In several other communities, I was told that it was impossible to do this using the engine’s standard tools. I could use constraints, or just set the angular velocity to zero during a collision, but I need objects to be able to rotate when forces are applied to them, but not generate angular impulse when colliding AT THE SAME TIME. I need that when two or more objects collide (collide only), no angular impulse is generated, or a zero angular impulse is generated so that the objects do not start rotating when collide.
I recently learned that there is access to the source code of the physics engine. But the problem that I encountered is not solved by the standard editor tools, and writing “my own” physics from scratch will probably be much more difficult than making edits to an already written physics engine. I am doing a project and learning in the process. So do not rush at me with advice that I need to learn everything from A to Z. I only know the basics of programming - and I am NOT a super cool programmer of the 80th level. However, Planetside 2 PhysX are unbelievable if you have the horsepower to run it.Hi everyone. So I started considering dropping one of the above extra cards in my machine as a dedicated PhysX card and I thought surely the landscape has evolved in the few years since I last took a look. As of 2016, approximately 40 games supported it. PhysX is an open-source physics engine that runs via GPU or PPU. Do you honestly think the developers are worried about the niche few that want to run tin foil in their gaming pc’s? So all modern GPU cards handle the feature very well and there is no reason to stop a developer from putting it on their game. This is about the need (which we don’t) to have a dedicated card for PhysX. Do you need a dedicated GPU card for PhysX? Nvidia PhysX is proprietary (owned by Nvidia exclusively.) DCS doesnt use it for that reason-kind of like RTX Raytracing. Set the second card as a PhysX card (through nvidia control panel) and your fps wouldn’t drop that much.

You can add another card (doesn’t have to be the same) like an old GTX 460 with your current card. If you only have one card and use it for the game + PhysX, there will be a frame rate drop. If you have a stuttering game, set PhysX to either auto or to use the CPU instead. PhysX: GPU or CPU The question is, which setting is better? With PhysX set to use the GPU, you will usually get better game performance but there will be times when a game doesn’t run as well. PhysX in video games As one of the handful of major physics engines, it is used in many games, such as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Warframe, Killing Floor 2, Fallout 4, Batman: Arkham Knight, Borderlands 2, etc. In the physx pull down menu change it fron auto or CPU to the 560.

Under 3d Settings click on SLI physx tab. Do you need to juggle PhysX and Me2 (Yes, this does mean if you have any other games that use PhysX like ME3 if this solution works for you you will need to do this dance every time you switch between the game with the newer PhysX version and ME2.) and the game runs fine without juggling installations. Right click on the desktop and open the nvidia control panel. The CPU does a great job of acting at the physx device. You’d be better off getting a second graphics card. Considering that most newer Nvidia/AMD GPUs are compatible with Physx, you don’t really need one. You can just dedicate a GPU to process only physics in the graphics card options if you have multiple cards. Should I dedicate my graphics card to PhysX? Is there a PhysX card for PlanetSide 2?.Do you need a dedicated GPU card for PhysX?.How do I set up a dedicated PhysX card?.